North Dakota Veterans Home Board Minutes
August 6, 2004
PRESENT: Daryl Beard - Chairman, Norris Braaten, Larry Dakken, Robert Volk, Neal Asper, Administrator-NDVH
ABSENT: Alex Schweitzer-Resigned, Orletta Kilen, Darrol Schroeder
GUESTS: Rudy Jenson, Chairman, Administrative Committee, Kelly Noack, Representative, North Dakota Public Employees Association, Jill McRitchie, Pharmacist, Sherry Asper, Kristin Lunneborg, NDVH Accounting Manager, Margie Ourenhagen, NDVH Executive Secretary
MINUTES: Larry Dakken made a motion, seconded by Norris Braaten to accept the July 16, 2004 minutes with the correction on page 2 to read to fill a term and receive an honorable discharge. Motion carried.
ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: Neal Asper, Administrator
NDPEA: Representatives have given the impression they would prefer an adversarial relationship with both Bismarck state personnel dept and the Veterans Home. Neal will schedule a meeting in the later part of August in Lisbon with Kelly Noack, Chris , Daryl Beard and Neal Asper to discuss any differences.
ASBESTOS REPORT: On Thursday, August 29th, Risk Management notified the Veterans Home that sometime in April asbestos had been removed from our lawnmower shop. The removal was made by our maintenance dept staff without the property training or protection. The maintenance staff on duty today was told they were correct in reporting the removal and no retaliation would be made. All the personal in the maintenance department were notified they were scheduled for X-rays today.
Liz Martin has been assigned to assess this situation. She will meet with each of the maintenance personal and make reports on the incident.
A licensed asbestos contractor has been contacted to remove any remaining asbestos particles and monitor the shop. The shop is presently off limits and will not be used until we receive an all clear.
There is a representative here from Bismarck who has a respirator and suit and is certified to remove asbestos, who will be helping us on a volunteer basis the next five days. He will remove the equipment that has been stored in this building which can be washed off, but will not be put back in the building until the asbestos is completely removed. The asbestos has already been removed from the rest of veterans' home buildings.
PHARMACY UPDATE: Jill McRitchie, Pharmacist discussed the following issues:
- The North Dakota Board of Pharmacy has been notified that the North Dakota Veterans Home will be installing a pharmacy. Jill will be filing all the necessary forms.
- Jill contacted McKesson to work with them as they will be the primary wholesaler.
- The room size was discussed with the Board of Pharmacy. The room size will need to be approximately 400 sq feet.
- Jill contacted several computer companies to gather estimates on the cost of a computer system.
- A grant will be submitted for a security camera and some computer equipment.
- Contacted Harlan Schiebe and Nancy Smestad who will be the primary contractors in charge of doing the inspections.
LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL BUDGET REVIEW: Twenty-five members of this committee plan to be at the North Dakota Veterans Home August 25th. Neal and Kristin will give an overall presentation of the veterans' home along with a tour.
WEB-SITE: We are checking on the possibility of putting the Governing board Minutes on the Veterans Home Web-site.
It was also suggested the Administrative Committee on Veterans Affairs put their minutes on a Web-site.
CHAIRMAN: Daryl Beard
Motion was made by Larry Dakken, seconded by Robert Volk to accept the resignation of Alex Schweitzer from the Governing Board. This will be discussed at the next Administrative Committee on Veterans Affairs.
FINANCIAL UPDATE: Kristin Lunneborg, Accounting Manager
HUMAN RESOURCE POLICY: (Handouts) Any action will be tabled at this time as Human Resource Management is reviewing the Annual Leave Policy and the Holiday Policy.
BUDGET-2005-2007: Kristin presented the preliminary budget. Discussion was held on the following topics.
- Time clock to be purchased. This time clock is computerized so it has the capability of downloading and printing different types of reports for the Supervisors. It also interfaces with the State payroll system so it will directly download all the information into the payroll system so we will not have to manually enter the information into the computer.
- FTE positions that were addressed in the Performance Audit.
- Remodeling of the bathroom in the Administrator's living quarters.
- Social Services and professional services portions of the budget: Professional Services budget is lower due to the fact we will possibly hire the addiction counselor/social worker on staff instead of contracting the professional services.
- The optional budget and the suggested legislation cuts. We need to advocate to the Legislators to add back the $250,000 that was cut this last biennium.
- The replacement plan for maintaining the carpeting, tiles and chairs.
- Purchasing wheel chairs with foot rests.
Due to computer problems, O.M.B. granted an extension on the budget being submitted until the end of August.
Motion was made by Larry Dakken, seconded by Norris Braaten to approve this budget as presented. Motion carried. This budget will be forwarded to the Administrative Committee for approval at the August 10th meeting in Bismarck.
- Administrative Committee on Veterans Affairs meeting Tuesday, August 10th at Bismarck State Capitol 9:00 a.m. and the Bismarck Comfort Inn at 1:00 p.m.
- Senator Dorgan will be at the Veterans Home Wednesday, August 11th at 1:30 p.m.
- NDVH Governing Board will meet Friday, October 22nd 10:00 a.m. NDVH in Lisbon.
Motion was made by Larry Dakken, seconded by Robert Volk to adjourn this meeting.
Meeting adjourned.
Neal Asper